Today was by far the worst smog I have ever seen. From my hotel window I could see about two blocks in either direction before everything paled to gray. Truly depressing stuff. If that doesn't do it for you, get a load of this. Many of the hotel windows are open because it is cool outside during the afternoon. You could see the smog INSIDE the hotel corridors. Disgusting. Strangely, it isn't smog that is hard to breathe. The gym where I work out has windows that are constantly open and I had no problem there. Then again, it really can't be good for you.
As for the studying, everything is going pretty well. However, I have found that the grading is much harder here than at Yale. The teachers are (I don't want to say nitpicky) strict. If a tiny piece of the character is wrong or there is too big of a gap between parts of the character the entire thing is counted as wrong. I now wonder if the grading was so lenient at Yale to help cope with all of the work.
Jiao zi count: 120
Yeah, sorry the smog has caught up with you guys after such a nice start. Interesting comment about the grading. Chalk it up to linguistic shock therapy?